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Copperhead Diesel Performance sponsors the Sportsman Class at DDN 2023

CopperheadDiesel Performance signs as Sportsman class sponsor for the Desert DieselNationals.


April14-15 at Wild Horse Pass Motorsport Park in Chandler Arizona


Save20% off advance tickets sales at


AboutCopperhead Diesel Performance-

As aboy, Sean loved airplanes. He was amazed by the raw power and freedom flyingoffered. “We were never meant to fly, but now look at us.” This defy-the-oddsattitude later led him to the Army’s aviation division. He spent six years inthe Army, including two deployments overseas. Once he returned home, he startedhelping his buddies fix-up trucks in his spare time. He wasn’t a mechanic inthe Army, but he was an avid learner, so he taught himself how to fix trucks byreading articles, watching videos, and talking to other mechanics.




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