SMEDING DIESEL - Official Turbo Supplier of the NHRDA
by: Randall Cole -
The NHRDA is proud to announce that SMEDING DIESEL is a National sponsors and Official Turbo Supplier for the 2023 Season. Plus they are also the Title sponsor for the 2023 World Finals.
Smeding Diesel strives to offer the best quality product at the best possible price, with the highest unmatched quality of customer service and support.
For more than 10 years Smeding diesel has been offering diesel performance parts to the diesel community. Specializing in turbos kits for Cummins, Duramax, Powerstroke and CAT engines; we offer complete turbocharger kits and hard to find supporting products and components for all of your performance needs.
Contact info
Address 40 Worth Dr, Boerne TX 78006
Phone ( 210) 446-0888
email Sales@smedingdiesel.com
website www.smedingdiesel.com